Eugenio de Santa Cruz y Espejo

Related to City Art
Installed 1989
Several bronze bust sculptures on a sandstone plinths arranged in an arc
A bronze bust of Dr Eugenio Espejo, on a sandstone plinth.
A bronze bust of Dr Eugenio Espejo, on a sandstone plinth.

A bronze bust of the national hero of Ecuador, Dr Eugenio Espejo, on a sandstone plinth.

Artist: Peter Oxerski 

Artwork description

This bust of Ecuadorian hero Dr Eugenio de Santa Cruz y Espejo is made from bronze and is mounted on a sandstone plinth.

It is one of a series of busts of famous Latin American heroes displayed at Ibero American Plaza. The series on Chalmers Street commemorates the contribution of Spanish and Portuguese speaking people to the history of Australia.

Dr Eugenio De Santa Cruz y Espejo is regarded as the national hero of the Republic of Ecuador. He was a medical pioneer, writer and lawyer, who inspired the separatist movement in Quito.


The bust was created by Peter Oxerski.


The bust of was unveiled on 11 August 1990 and is associated with the bicentennial and the Ecuadorian community of Australia.


A plaque on the sandstone plinth reads:

Eugenio de Santa Cruz y Espejo (1747-1795) Ecuadorian encyclopaedist, physician, journalist and Patriot. He was one of the chief figures of the illustration in America. Espejo was also the author of The New Luciano of QuitoMarcus Porcius Cato and Reflections on Small Pox.

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