The Trail

Related to City Art
Installed 1990
Green parklands with abstract iron sculpture in the distance and large chimney stacks in the background
Green parklands with abstract iron sculpture in the distance
Green parklands with abstract iron sculpture in the distance

An abstract curved steel sculpture with patterned cut outs that frame the sky and the landscape.

Artist: Michael Snape

Artwork description

The Trail is a large curvilinear painted steel sculpture with curved cut outs in a variety of shapes. The steel folds and turns along one linear axis, giving all the folded components the same dimension and surface area. The cut outs are different, organic patterns on each of the folded components giving each surface a different spatial quality.

The cut outs make the heavy solid structure appear more porous and light, while simultaneously framing different sections of the park by acting as viewing windows. Located on a hill in the middle of Sydney Park, the sculpture sits on a circular raised platform.

This abstract sculpture acts as a focal point in the park. The cut outs frame various views of the park surrounding the sculpture. The artwork was unveiled in 1990.


Australian sculptor Michael Snape created the artwork. Snape has produced many public sculptures in NSW and collections of his work are held at the Art Gallery of NSW, Macquarie University, Wollongong Art Gallery, Powerhouse Museum, Armidale Regional Gallery and Gold Coast City Gallery.

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