
Related to City Art
Installed from 1 November 2009 to 14 February 2010
Sculpture made to look like a giant roll of bitumen, unravelling like a rolled out carpet.
Sculpture made to look like a giant roll of bitumen with pedestrian crossing makings, unravelling like a rolled out carpet along a city street.
Sculpture made to look like a giant roll of bitumen, unravelling like a rolled out carpet along a city street.

A giant spool of asphalt unrolled like carpet at Taylor Square.

Artist: Louisa Dawson
This artwork was temporary and is no longer at this location.

Artwork description

Unravel highlighted the history of the city as it appeared to roll out a section of road where Bourke Street once ran through Taylor Square. It expressed the history and challenges of the site and formed a playful comment on the complex and very relevant issue of urban planning in a dense metropolitan environment.

While an apparently simple object Unravel unsettled the mind and challenged the viewer. The installation provided an opportunity for discussion about Taylor Square’s uses and functions, questioning the dominance of urban infrastructure, where asphalt has come to represent the ‘skin of the city’.

Intended as a playful provocation, the work served to examine the dominance of the car and the barriers it presents in achieving the City of Sydney’s vision to increase walking and cycling in the city.

“… essentially I am inspired by simple ideas … I think ‘less is more’ and enjoy seeing this demonstrated.”

– Louisa Dawson, 2009


Louisa Dawson is a Sydney-based sculptor working primarily in large-scale public works. Since 2001 she has created sculptures that subvert the form and function of mundane and everyday objects to present a gentle socio-political critique.

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