This exercise space has a shock absorbent floor with mirrors along the walls.
7m x 14m.
Used for
Monday to Thursday
9am to 11am
3pm to 4pm
7pm to 9pm
9am to 11am
3pm to 9pm
Saturday and Sunday
10am to 4pm
Public holidays
Level access entrance included
Accessible adult change facility not included
Accessible toilets included
1Ambulant toilets included
Entry door type included
Automatic – double doors, each 1020mm wide, open outwards, towards entrance.Floors included
2 – access to gym is by 2 flights of stairs, 18 steps in total. We can arrange access by ramp with 2 elevations.Onsite mobility parking not included
Mobility parking within 300m included
2 mobility parking spaces are located at 15 Cumberland Street, The Rocks around 10m from venue.Lift not included
Hearing support system not included
KGV access informationPDF · 336.64 KB · Last modified
Cost to hire
Exercise and fitness classes
per hour
Community group
per hour