Book a free guided bike ride or cycling lesson


Project Status: When you need to do this

Before you start

The Bike Buddies program is available to people who live or work in the City of Sydney’s area.

These services are designed for adults, but we can accommodate children aged 12 and older with the supervision of a guardian, or 16 and older with written guardian approval.

You must bring your own bike in working order and helmet.

What you need to do

Choose which of our Bike Buddies offerings best suits your needs, then complete this form.

Guided ride

  • Ideal for competent riders who want to make more trips by bike but are unsure of the best routes
  • Your instructor will show you the best routes to access the places you want to go by bike, whether it be your workplace, the shops, school or other destination. Sessions will take between 30 minutes and one hour.

Cycling skills

  • Ideal for riders who want to haven't ridden in a while or who want to learn more skills to increase their riding confidence
  • Your instructor will teach you basic skills to help you ride smoothly and safely in the city or can focus on a specific skill. Sessions take up to 2 hours.

Apply online

After you finish

After you apply, BikeWise will call you within 2 to 3 working days. Your instructor will arrange a time and place to meet you. Instructors can only meet within the City of Sydney’s area. Your instructor will safety check your bike before starting your Bike Buddies session.

If something doesn’t go to plan

If there’s a problem with your form or your eligibility, we’ll be in touch by phone or email. This should happen within 2 to 3 working days.

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