Culture & creativity

The City is committed to supporting Sydney’s cultural life. We recognise the intrinsic and instrumental value of creativity as a cultural, economic and social force.


Why we’re doing this

Sydney faces the challenges posed by a changing economy, a rapidly growing population, and shifting environmental and social conditions.

Failure to confront these challenges has the capacity to produce widespread inequality, disrupt our economy, and leave a negative legacy for future generations.

It is important that everyone in Sydney and New South Wales is able to engage with, and contribute to, our cultural life. All of us have the right to access and contribute to the creation of the kind of city we will enjoy visiting, working and living in.

The political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities must be embedded in the city’s economic, social, environmental and cultural change.

Initiative, experimentation and enterprise are the bedrock of creativity. By encouraging them, we not only support economic development but enhance a sense of civic participation and cohesion. This ensures a greater number of people feel a stewardship of place, common heritage and are engaged in the cultural life of the city.

Harnessing our combined energy will produce a strong, cohesive sense of who we are, and what we want Sydney to be. This common culture will help us meet the challenges of the future, and ensure our city remains not only economically viable, but also an inclusive and interesting place to live, work and visit.

Urban design and regulation, increased opportunities for creativity, a balance between residential amenity and a vibrant evening economy, a range of public spaces, support for innovation and experimentation, and the reduction of barriers, such as housing costs, as well as arts funding and infrastructure will ensure diverse and active participation in Sydney’s cultural life.

Action areas

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