Transport and access

Residents, workers and visitors have a right to enjoy safe streets within our local area, regardless of the time of day.


Why we’re doing this

Public transport services and major roads in the local area are already running close to capacity, and at peak times, close to breaking point.

An integrated transport network needs to be put in place now to create a sustainable city and accommodate the high growth in residents, workers and visitors to the local area in the future. We are lobbying the state government to deliver stronger public transport links in our area. The south east light rail and Sydney Metro are important projects, but more needs to be done.

Action areas

How we can achieve this

Connecting our city is a 25-year integrated transport and land use strategy which will help us plan for central Sydney’s future. The plan includes statistics that reinforce why the local area needs better public transport options. You can download the summary report below.

The connecting our city summary report is a supporting document to our environmental strategy, which is our most up-to-date set of environmental targets and actions.

There are many environmentally friendly transport options available in our area.

As part of our vision to be a more sustainable city, we encourage residents, visitors and workers to choose greener options when commuting.

Connecting our city summary reportPDF · 16.33 MB · Last modified

Programs, surveys, projects and initiatives