Prepare for your food scraps recycling collection
Everything you need to know to ensure your contribution is a success.
When you need to do this
If your household is taking part in our food scraps recycling service, use this guide to prepare your food scraps for collection.
What you need to do
Order your caddy online if you live in an apartment
Limit of 1 caddy per household. Alternatively, you can use any container with a lid, for example, an empty ice cream or plastic container.
Order your caddy -
Use certified compostable bags
Only use AS 4736 certified compostable bags in your kitchen caddy or food scraps recycling bin – look for this symbol.
Compostable bags are made of plant material and they break down with your food scraps.Plastic, degradable and biodegradable bags must not be placed into your food scraps bin. They can contain plastic and heavy metals that are not suitable for composting or microbial treatment.
We’ve supplied all households registered for the service with an initial supply of 200 compostable caddy liner bags. When using the food scraps service regularly, these bags should last the average household about 12 months.
Collect food scraps in your kitchen caddy or other container
- Line your caddy or container with a compostable bag or newspaper.
- Place all cooked and raw food scraps inside.
- If you don’t want to keep your food scraps caddy on your kitchen bench, you could:
- place it under the sink
- attach it to the back of a cupboard door
- keep it in your fridge.

Empty your caddy regularly
- Seal food scraps by tying the liner bag or folding the newspaper.
- Empty at least every 2 to 3 days or more often in warm weather.
Deposit contents into your maroon lid food scraps bin
- Place your bagged or wrapped scraps in your maroon lid bin.
- Be sure to close the bin lid.
- In apartment buildings, your maroon lid bin will be in or near the main bin storage area.
Put your maroon lid bin out for collection
- Put your bin out for every collection the night before, even if it’s not full. We’ll collect your maroon lid bin once a week if you live in a house and twice a week if you live in an apartment building.
- To find your collection day, look up your property type and suburb in the table below.
- Bring in your bin after every collection and rinse out.
- If you live in an apartment and someone normally puts your bins out for collection, they will also put out your maroon lid bins.
Property type Suburb Collection days Apartment building
Darlinghurst, Elizabeth Bay, Erskineville, Eveleigh, Potts Point, Pyrmont, Redfern, Rosebery, Rushcutters Bay, Surry Hills, Ultimo, Waterloo, Woolloomooloo, Zetland
Mondays and Thursdays
Alexandria, Beaconsfield, Camperdown, Centennial Park, Chippendale, Darlington, Dawes Point, Forest Lodge, Glebe, Haymarket, Millers Point, Newtown, Paddington, Sydney
Tuesdays and Fridays
House or terrace
Rosebery, Waterloo, Zetland
Alexandria, Beaconsfield, Dawes Point, Forest Lodge, Glebe, Millers Point
Erskineville*, Redfern, Surry Hills
*If you live on Union Street, Erskineville your bin collection day is FridayWednesdays
Darlinghurst, Potts Point, Pyrmont, Ultimo, Woolloomooloo
Camperdown, Centennial Park, Chippendale, Darlington, Newtown, Paddington
Caring for your caddy and bin