Other information
To minimise traffic congestion in the city centre and on major City of Sydney controlled roads, we can only approve road closures if the proposed work or event is scheduled for a Sunday. On minor City of Sydney controlled roads outside of the city centre, weekdays and Saturdays may be considered.
Roads can be closed partially or fully, depending on your requirements. Partial road closures are only approved in low traffic conditions when there will be at least 1 through-lane for traffic to ensure 2-way traffic can continue to operate under traffic control for the duration of the work. Any diversion of traffic flow will require the proposal to be treated as a full road closure. For further information about a partial road closure refer to contacts.
You must apply for approval to do roadwork and/or various other road-related activities, such as operating a mobile crane, cherry picker, concrete boom pump, travel tower or boom lift. Approval is also needed if you plan to put barricades on footpaths.
A fee is charged for the above approvals.
For further information about cranes, temporary works permits, road openings and partial road closures, please contact construction regulation.
For further information about temporary full road closures, please contact traffic operations.