Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander protocolsObserving customs demonstrates respect for cultural traditions and histories.Published 17 January 2024Policies
Access to information policyDescribes our principles regarding public access to information and the process of managing requests for such access.Published 29 March 2022Policies
Archives collection management policyA framework for the acquisition, arrangement and description, storage and management of the City Archives.Published 13 May 2024Policies
Asset management policyGuides our management of public infrastructure.Published 9 July 2024Policies
Building upgrade finance policySpecifies the circumstances under which we'll enter into and administer an environmental upgrade agreement.Published 29 October 2018Policies
Busking and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practice policy – local approvals policyAims to support and promote busking culture while balancing the expectations and needs of all users of public space.Published 27 February 2023Policies
Car sharing policyAims to increase use of car sharing and ensure our car sharing program is well-governed and transparent.Published 21 November 2016Policies
Central Sydney on-street parking policyEstablishes criteria and service objectives for allocating kerbside parking and loading.Published 22 November 2017Policies
Child safety policyChildren and young people are an important part of our society and it is essential they are safe while taking part in community life.Published 5 August 2024Policies
Code of conductThe Local Government Act requires every council adopt a code of conduct that incorporates the provisions of the model code of conduct.Published 10 October 2024Policies
Code of conduct proceduresThese procedures are prescribed for the administration of the code of conduct.Published 10 October 2024Policies
Code of meeting practiceApplies to all Council and committee meetings of which all members are councillors.Published 7 March 2025Policies
Community gardens policyProvides a framework for residents who want to establish a community garden.Published 29 February 2016Policies
Companion animals policySeeks to promote compliance through education and mutual understanding with the community in relation to companion animals.Published 22 December 2022Policies
Complaint management policyOur complaint management policy is intended to ensure we handle complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively.Published 23 December 2024Policies
Compliance policyHow unlawful activity will be investigated and what factors are taken into account in making decisions regarding the exercise of the City of Sydney's compliance powers.Published 28 February 2024Policies
Contaminated land policyProvides information on how we manage and deal with land contamination.Published 21 November 2022Policies
Corporate sponsorship policyOutlines our approach to sponsorships and details the types of arrangements we'll undertake.Published 5 January 2024Policies
Council-related development applications policyAims to manage potential conflicts of interest and increase transparency at all stages of the development process for council-related development.Published 31 March 2023Policies
Councillor meetings with registered lobbyists and property developers policyOutlines requirements for the Lord Mayor and Councillors to publish details of meetings with registered lobbyists and property developers.Published 18 October 2024Policies
Councillors’ expenses and facilities policyThe Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor and councillors can only be reimbursed in line with this policy.Published 7 August 2017Policies
Data breach policyProvide guidance to City employees in responding to a data breach of City held information.Published 28 November 2023Policies
Display of goods on the footway – local approvals policyAims to support and promote retailers using the footway while ensuring comfort and safe use by pedestrians.Published 22 December 2022Policies
Environmental sustainability policyHow we plan for the sustainable growth of our city towards a zero-carbon economy and in response to climate change.Published 20 August 2021Policies
Graffiti management policyWe are looking to minimise incidents of graffiti on both public and private property by prompt removal, while providing legitimate avenues for the expression and dissemination of community information and street art.Published 8 June 2023Policies
Grants and sponsorship policyProvides an overarching framework to manage grant and sponsorship requests.Published 30 August 2022Policies
Hoardings and scaffolding policy – local approvals policyProvides a framework to regulate the design and approval of temporary structures for construction sites.Published 21 November 2022Policies
Inclusive and accessible public domain policyProvides a framework to apply relevant Australian access standards consistently.Published 1 October 2019Policies
Interim floodplain management policyProvides direction for managing floodplains in our area.Published 1 May 2014Policies
Investment policySets out the requirements for the management of our cash and investment portfolio.Published 3 March 2025Policies
Managing asbestos policyOutlines our commitment and responsibilities to safely manage asbestos.Published 4 March 2025Policies
Managing unreasonable conduct towards the City and its employees policyThe success of our organisation depends on our ability to work in the most efficient way possible.Published 26 February 2024Policies
Managing waste in public places – local approvals policyAddresses the impacts of waste on the community.Published 20 December 2022Policies
Markets policyEstablishes our approach to approving markets and the commitment required from organisers for quality operations.Published 5 October 2022Policies
Mobile food vending vehicles policy – local approvals policyA framework to manage the operation of these vehicles within the local area.Published 12 December 2022Policies
Mobile voluntary services policyEnsuring their operations are safe, meet the needs of service users and minimise impacts on local residents and businesses.Published 30 June 2020Policies
Modern slavery policyModern slavery is a human rights violation and a serious crime.Published 30 November 2023Policies
Naming policyProvides direction for the naming of suburbs, roads, parks, open spaces, places and buildings.Published 30 May 2023Policies
Neighbourhood parking policyEstablishes a range of parking controls and permits to manage parking across our neighbourhoods.Published 14 May 2018Policies
Outdoor dining policyHow we determine requests by business to use public footpaths and spaces for outdoor dining.Published 22 February 2021Policies
Privacy management planHow we manage personal and health information.Published 27 August 2024Policies
Prosecution and civil enforcement policyEstablishes clear principles about the circumstances in which we will undertake legal proceedings.Published 6 March 2024Policies
Public art policyGuides and forms the criteria for assessing public art we commission.Published 1 January 2016Policies
Public interest disclosure policyDocuments our internal reporting system, enabling council officials, including employees and councillors, to report serious wrongdoing.Published 18 April 2024Policies
Recruitment and selection policyProvides a framework for the ethical, fair and transparent operation of our hiring practices.Published 24 June 2021Policies
Revenue policy: Fees and chargesFees for all chargeable services, requests, applications, approvals, licences, hire bookings and memberships.Published 1 July 2024Policies
Street safety camera program – code of practiceThe standards by which public closed-circuit television will be operated.Published 9 August 2023Policies
Support for charities policyHow we appoint charity partners and the types of charities we may support and endorse.Published 9 February 2023Policies
Tree management and donation policyOur tree management and donation policy sets out principles for effective tree management across our local area.Published 18 April 2024Policies
Volunteer policyProvides principles and guidance as to how people who donate their time should be engaged, inducted and managed.Published 29 August 2023Policies
Work, health and safety policyProvides a framework for developing safe systems of work and promoting good health in the workforce.Published 22 August 2024