Sydney Lights: Public domain design code
Design principles, palette selection, technical requirements and performance standards.
- Public lighting is an essential community service that aims to provide people who walk, ride and drive with a safe and comfortable visual environment at night. Lighting is also a contributing factor in reducing fear of crime and can have a significant influence on the aesthetics of streetscapes and other public spaces.
- This design code aims to provide an integrated approach to lighting for our public domain.
- We have over 400km of state and local roads, more than 400 parks and open spaces, numerous steps, pedestrian tunnels, significant buildings, public artworks and monuments. These all require a considered lighting approach to provide a safe, enlivened and active city that is legible and easy to navigate.
- This code recognises the importance of sustainability and the role lighting can play to reinforce a sense of place and be a mode for creative and artistic expression.
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