Design codes & technical specifications
Standards and requirements for development applications and works on public land.

Public domain design codes
Our design codes set the public domain guidelines. The Sydney Signage Code and Sydney Parks Code are currently being updated. The Sydney streets technical specifications is the companion document, providing design and construction standards and details.
Design codes & technical specifications
Sydney Streets Code 2021Guidelines, design coordination and material palettes for work carried out on streets and footpaths.Published 12 May 2021Design codes & technical specifications
Sydney Lights: Public domain design codeDesign principles, palette selection, technical requirements and performance standards.Published 30 March 2015Design codes & technical specifications
Sydney Streets technical specificationsDesign and construction standards for physical assets in our city, including roads, footpaths, kerbs, gutters, street lighting, and survey and stormwater infrastructure.Published 18 August 2023Design codes & technical specifications
Legible Sydney Design ManualThe manual has been created to assist with the planning, documenting and tendering of our pedestrian wayfinding sign system.Published 30 June 2019Policies
Inclusive and accessible public domain policyProvides a framework to apply relevant Australian access standards consistently.Published 1 October 2019
Application requirements
Design codes & technical specifications
Public domain manual 2021Information about works on roads, drainage, footpaths, landscaping and other public spaces, referred to as the public domain.Published 22 June 2021Design codes & technical specifications
Model requirements for proposed developmentsPublished 8 May 2023Design codes & technical specifications
How to lodge electronic files for development, building and public domain applicationsDigital requirements for electronic copies of plans and documents to accompany your application.Published 30 January 2025