Gain exemption from requiring development consent for heritage works
You may still need to notify us about minor or maintenance works to local heritage items or buildings within heritage conservation areas.
When you need to do this
The best way to conserve the heritage significance of places is to carry out minor works or regular maintenance and repairs. You may need to request a local heritage exemption and receive written confirmation from us before you start.
These requests are typically like for like replacement or rectification works that would be considered exempt development if not for the site being a local heritage item or in a heritage conservation area.
Minor or maintenance works may include like for like repair of a malfunctioning window, replacing rusty gutters and downpipes to match original details, or restoring a front verandah.
You don’t need to notify us when repainting the already painted areas of a building not listed as a heritage item.
What you need to do
Check if you need to lodge a request
We require an exemption request when works impact a local heritage item or building within a heritage conservation area on land covered by the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012. You can search the address on our interactive map to confirm if these criteria apply to your site.
If the building is also listed as a state heritage item, you’ll need to obtain both a local heritage exemption and a state heritage works approval. However, when your proposed works fall under a site-specific or standard exemption, you won’t need to lodge either application.
Some minor or maintenance works to local heritage items or buildings in heritage conservation areas may still fall under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008. This would also allow you to proceed without requesting a local heritage exemption from us.
Lodge your application
Requests for local heritage exemption should be lodged online using our ePlanning service.
We no longer accept email applications using the PDF form.
Fees may apply.
Before you start
To make it easier for owners to maintain and repair their properties, the Sydney Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 specifies certain development that may be carried out to heritage items or within heritage conservation areas without the need for a development application.
Works can only be carried out without a development application when:
- the consent authority has been notified and given approval in writing
- they're minor, to maintain and don’t affect the significance of a heritage item, Aboriginal object, place of heritage significance or archaeological site or building within a heritage conservation area.
After you finish
If your request is approved, you should keep the City of Sydney’s written confirmation that your works don’t require consent for your records.