Public domain works
Approval is required to carry out works on land that the City of Sydney owns, manages or that will be dedicated to us.

Public domain works
Appoint the City of Sydney as principal certifier and notify start of public domain subdivision worksAdvise that you intend to commence public domain subdivision works excluding building works and are appointing the City of Sydney as principal certifier.Public domain works
Get approval for levels and gradients impacted by constructionObtain approval or amend a previous approval for levels and gradients, also known as determination of alignment levels.Public domain works
Get approval for works on public landA public domain plan assessment is required to obtain or amend consent for works that impact on civic spaces and assets.Public domain works
Get approval for works on the public way under Section 138 of the Road Act 1993Obtain or amend approval for works like installation of street furniture, minor footpath and kerb works, and street verge and tree planting.Public domain works
Get approval to connect to the City of Sydney’s stormwater systemConnect a private stormwater drain to public infrastructure.Public domain works
Get approval to install temporary ground anchorsObtain or amend approval to install ground anchors to support structures during construction or maintenance.Public domain works
Get approval to temporarily drain water into the City of Sydney’s stormwater systemObtain or amend approval for pumping out rainwater from excavations at construction sites.