Lodge a development application

Approval may be required for changes to your home or business site in our area.

When you need to do this

What you need to do

Lodge your application with the NSW Planning Portal

After checking our requirements, all applications must be made through the NSW Planning Portal. We won’t accept applications by email or post.

Start your application

It’s your responsibility to provide all required information with enough detail for a decision to be made. Getting this right will save time and money.

We’ll check your application and be in touch if more information is required.

When your application is ready to proceed, we’ll request payment. The application will only be lodged once payment is received.

Before you start

Getting the first step right means you’re likely to have a smooth application process.

How to prepare your development application

Your development will need to align with the site’s characteristics and the planning rules that apply to it. 

View our interactive map to see a snapshot of planning rules that apply to your site.

To prepare your application, you may also need to enlist a specialist such as an architect, engineer or land surveyor.

It’s recommended to meet with a duty planner before lodging your application.

The NSW Planning Portal also has a helpful guide to the development application process.

After you finish


We’ll assess your application once it has been lodged. If required, your application will be placed on exhibition to allow the public to comment on your proposal. We may need to visit the site and will be in touch if access is needed.

When assessing an application, we consider:

We may request additional information from you and also get advice from specialists. We’ll let you know if changes need to be made to the proposal.

Integrated development requires approval from another authority, such as Road and Maritime Services. Applications for integrated development require an additional fee paid to the relevant authority. This will be requested through the NSW Planning Portal after you lodge your application.

The decision

For small developments, most decisions are made at an employee level.

The Local Planning Panel determines applications for significant development. The Central Sydney Planning Committee determines applications over $50 million. We’ll inform you if your application will be determined at these meetings, open to the public in the Council Chambers at Sydney Town Hall.

There are 3 possible outcomes for an application:

  • Development consent granted with conditions
  • Refusal with reasons
  • Deferred commencement consent. One or more important issues must be addressed before consent is activated.

Conditions of consent can modify your plans which may add costs to your project.

If your application is refused or you wish to challenge a condition of consent, you can request a review of determination, modify and relodge your application, or take it to the Land and Environment Court.

To make changes to your approved proposal, you can lodge a modification of consent.