Get approval for hoardings and scaffolding on or above a public road

Permission is required before temporary structures are set up.

Fees vary depending on type, location and time.

When you need to do this

What you need to do

Before you start

Hoardings and scaffolding policyPDF · 148.38 KB · Last modified
Guidelines for hoardings and scaffoldingPDF · 16.04 MB · Last modified

Creative graphics

We require the use of creative graphics on temporary structures in high traffic areas.

There are currently 3 options for installing artwork on eligible hoardings.

  1. Bespoke. You may create or commission your own site-specific artwork. Designs will require our approval and an image of your proposed design must be lodged with your application.
  2. Historic images. Temporary structures surrounding heritage-listed sites or in areas of heritage significance are required to display historic images of the locality. To help you meet this requirement, we have developed a design template and can supply photographs.
  3. Site Works. We called for artists and designers from across the nation to propose artworks for display on hoardings. We selected and licensed 10 artworks. These are available to use on eligible hoardings free of charge. In some cases we may require these artworks to be used.

Where hoardings and/or scaffolding are erected on public land including roads and footpaths, we reserve the right to display community information about major projects, festivals and special events. You'll be advised during the application process if we intend to exercise this right. 

City centre boundaries

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Map of city centre boundariesPDF · 667.97 KB · Last modified

Types of hoardings and scaffolding

Colourful images in front of a building site on the right, and a footpath with a person walking on it on the left.
A road with trees behind and further back are painted large boards in front of a construction site.
A construction site with 2 large boards in front of it.