Building Oxford Street west and Liverpool Street cycleway

In progress

What we’re doing

We’re building a new 2-way separated cycleway along Liverpool and Oxford streets, from Castlereagh Street in the city to Taylor Square in Darlinghurst. The Oxford Street Cycleway will run along the northern side of these streets.

For more information about the Oxford Street East Cycleway between Taylor Square and Centennial Park, including Paddington, visit Transport for NSW, phone 1800 684 490 or email [email protected].

Oxford Street West Cycleway works will include:

  • a separator kerb between the cycleway and the eastbound traffic lane
  • new garden beds, street furniture and footpath paving
  • upgrading 9 signalised intersections and pedestrian crossings
  • new signs and line markings
  • stormwater drainage works
  • relocating some street lights
  • moving the bus stop near the Anzac Memorial on Liverpool Street to Elizabeth Street and a new bus stop on Wentworth Avenue
  • temporary relocation of the bus stop outside 6–14 Oxford Street to Riley Street
  • permanently closing ‘little’ Liverpool Street at Oxford Street to vehicles
  • restricting left turn access from Oxford Street onto Palmer Street
  • removing the median island from Liverpool Street
  • changes to parking, vehicle and pedestrian access while temporary barriers are in place on Liverpool Street and Oxford Street.

These works will be carried out by our contractor Mack Civil.

New lane configurations will include a 2-way cycleway, 3 traffic lanes heading towards Taylor Square and 2 traffic lanes towards Elizabeth Street. These changes will keep everyone safe while works are carried out.

During construction, Oxford Street will have 2 lanes in each direction for vehicle traffic. 

Mack Civil will take steps to minimise noise impacts from onsite machinery and equipment.

Businesses will be notified when works are happening in their immediate area.

Why we’re doing this

Oxford Street is one of the city’s busiest bike routes, with almost 3,000 people riding daily.

This cycleway will provide a safe and direct connection between the city centre and the east, connecting existing cycleways on Bourke, Castlereagh, College and Liverpool streets.

The cycleway will also help make Oxford and Liverpool streets more pleasant for people walking, sitting at cafes and restaurants, and visiting local business.

This project is jointly funded by the City of Sydney and the NSW Government.

The information on this page is for the Oxford Street West Cycleway between Castlereagh Street in the city and Taylor Square in Darlinghurst.

For information about the Oxford Street East Cycleway between Taylor Square and Centennial Park, including Paddington, visit Transport for NSW, phone 1800 684 490 or email [email protected].
Updated design plans – 2023PDF · 7.39 MB · Last modified
Review of environmental factorsPDF · 82.97 MB · Last modified