Oxford Street cycleway: Your feedback on updated designs
The cycleway on Oxford and Liverpool streets will create an important link in the bike network, connecting the city centre to the east.
Project Status: Closed
Council approved the Oxford Street cycleway at its February 2022 meeting. Construction is underway.
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Why we’re doing this
In November and December 2020, we consulted on a plan for a centre running pop-up cycleway on Oxford Street. The community let us know a safe connection for people riding is well supported and provided feedback about operation and access of the centre running cycleway.
Following community feedback, we have reconsidered the design and now propose a permanent, higher quality bi-directional cycleway on the northern side of Oxford and Liverpool streets.
What we’re doing
Oxford Street is one of the city’s busiest bike routes. This project is part of our program to make Sydney a safer place for people to walk and ride and provide more options for people to travel around the city.
The updated design will maintain loading and bus operations on Oxford Street. Transport for NSW will monitor the performance of the westbound kerbside lane and use of off-peak parking and loading spaces for 6 months after the cycleway opens, to identify and consider potential improvements. This will include evaluating bus reliability and potentially changing off-peak parking and loading hours, in consultation with the City of Sydney.
Parking and loading will be removed on Liverpool Street between Elizabeth and College streets and the bus stop on Liverpool Street will be relocated to Elizabeth Street.
This project is jointly funded by the City of Sydney and the NSW Government.

College Street update
Following strong community support, we are progressing with plans to reinstate the cycleway on College Street. Work is due to begin early next year.
How you can give feedback
Consultation closes at 5pm on Thursday 25 November 2021.
We have a range of ways you can provide feedback.
Complete our survey
Attend an online information session
Register online to attend our briefing and find out more about the project.
Wednesday 10 November – 11:30am to 12:30pm -
Attend a drop-in session
Come along to a drop-in session where you can find out more about the project and get a free bike tune-up
- Tuesday 16 November – 4:30pm to 6pm – Taylor Square north
- Wednesday 17 November – 4:30pm to 6pm – Taylor Square north
- Thursday 18 November – 7:30am to 9am – Taylor Square south
You don’t need to register for the drop-in sessions but you will need to check in using the Service NSW Covid-safe check-in app and follow physical distancing requirements. Masks are also recommended.
Email or post your feedback
You can also give feedback by email to [email protected] or by post to:
Chief Executive Officer
City of Sydney
GPO Box 1591
Sydney NSW 2001
Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation’s name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your contribution.