Green your life collection
We want to encourage green living. Our libraries offer a range of free kits to help you live more sustainably.

We can help you go green
Our free kits will show you how to save power, measure your appliance consumption and repair your bike to reduce car use.Save power kits
You can borrow one of these kits as a fun and educational way to learn more about the electricity you use and how to reduce your energy bills.
The kit has a guidebook to help make your home more energy-efficient, as well as these tools:
- Power-Mate Lite to measure the power used by your appliances
- Infrared thermometer to learn where your home leaks heat in winter and cool air in summer
- Stopwatch to time your showers so you can discover how much water you use
- Compass to show which direction your home faces to best use sunlight.
Measure your appliances
Power-Mate Lite meters can be borrowed separately from the save power kits to help you measure the amount of electricity your appliances use.
The meters will help you find out just how much it costs you to have your TV on standby or mobile phone charger always plugged in.
Repair your bike kits
We can lend bike riders a repair kit the same way books are borrowed from the library – they have a 3-week loan period, and can be reserved and transferred between branches.
Each kit contains a bike repair tool and a mini-bike pump, so you can repair your bike quickly without it costing you more money.
We also run free cycling courses and the library holds numerous books on cycling techniques, routes, competitions and bike maintenance.