Build and run an affordable residential aged care facility in Redfern

The new aged care facility at 49 Cope Street in Redfern will increase housing options for older locals.

Project Status: Closed

Express your interest

Get your application in by 11am on Friday 28 February.

Commercial manager

First Nations Leadership

Contact us and we can meet with you.

We own a 1,925m² property at 49 Cope Street in Redfern and currently use it as a 55-place paid public car park.

It’s an underdeveloped space in this busy and rapidly changing inner city neighbourhood.

About this opportunity

We’re seeking expression of interest proposals from registered not-for-profit residential aged care providers to design, build and operate a residential aged care facility on this site to serve the local community.

The land will be sold to the successful respondent for $1 with a covenant on the land title to ensure the site is used for affordable residential aged care in perpetuity.

The new aged care facility must:

  • house a minimum of 50 affordable residential aged care places for the local community
  • be delivered by or in partnership with local Aboriginal community controlled organisations or Aboriginal providers, with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents and staff to be a key part of operations.

As part of the redevelopment of the site, the owner of the facility will also be required to build a 55-place underground car park and hand it back to the City of Sydney which will continue to run it as a paid public car park.

Questions and answers

We’ll update this document when we receive questions about this expression of interest.

The final update will be made on Monday 24 February, before applications close.

Questions and answersPDF · 138.37 KB · Last modified

Next steps

The outcome of this expression of interest process will be reported to Council for consideration in early 2025. 

Council may resolve to progress to a select tender or negotiate with one or more parties.

How to apply

Complete the online application form by 11am on Friday 28 February 2025.

Apply now