Year of the Snake drawings – Sydney Lunar Festival 2025

Young illustrators aged 5 to 12 years can submit their best snake drawings to be showcased as part of the Sydney Lunar Festival outdoor exhibition program.

Project Status: Closed

What we’re looking for

We’re looking for vibrant, colourful drawings of snakes that demonstrate any of the following:

  • celebrating the Lunar New Year
  • highly imaginative 
  • performing, anything from dancing to juggling or singing
  • holding a red envelope or lantern
  • happy, friendly, smiling, laughing, cheeky
  • strong and bold.

You can submit up to 3 different drawings, choosing from the actions and qualities listed above.

Give your snake a name and in 40 words or less, provide a short description – does it have any special skills you can tell us about?

How to submit your drawings

  • Complete the entry form and attach a photo of each drawing. A smartphone photo is fine.
  • Keep the original drawings in a safe place. Selected drawings may need to be posted to us.
  • Make sure you read the terms and conditions before submitting your drawings.

Submit up to 3 drawings by 16 June

Drawing requirements

  • The snake drawing must be drawn in portrait orientation. Use A3 paper and make your drawing as large as possible on the page.
  • Submissions can be drawn using any materials including pencils, paint, crayons, or in digital format, for example, Adobe Illustrator.
  • Do not add any background colour or details to your artwork – the snake needs to be the feature of your artwork.

Something to consider

The selected snake drawings will be included in Sydney Lunar Festival 2025 as outdoor street decals or posters. Your snake drawing needs to stand out and be recognisable from a distance.