Draft planning agreement: 158 Botany Road & 158 Wyndham Street, Alexandria

Proposal to enter into a planning agreement relating to VPA application number VPA/2024/8.

Project Status: Open for feedback

Public consultation period to

The objective of the planning agreement is to secure public benefits in connection with the development application for the land.

The nature of the planning agreement is to secure land dedication and embellishment works to a footway widening to Botany Road and temporary landscaping to the future extension of Botany Lane at the rear of the properties, and a monetary contribution of $123,447 for community infrastructure to the Green Square Urban Renewal Area including but not limited to roads, drainage systems, utility services, parks, plazas and other public facilities.

Draft planning agreementPDF · 622.44 KB · Last modified
Explanatory notePDF · 159.1 KB · Last modified
Notification letterPDF · 75.83 KB · Last modified

How you can give feedback

Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 7 February 2025.