Policy & planning changes
Updates and changes to our policies, plans and procedures.

Open for feedback
Policy & planning changes
Your feedback on our pesticide use notification plan and weed management policyOpen for feedbackPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 15-17 William Street, AlexandriaOpen for feedback · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Your say on updates to planning controls related to greening, amenity, parking and design excellenceOpen for feedback
Under review
Policy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning control changes for 242-258 Young Street, WaterlooThis proposal will enable a 6-storey building comprising a K–12 independent school and an integrated film school.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on our proposed cultural strategy 2025–2035Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on our Stretch reconciliation action plan 2025–2028Our Stretch reconciliation action plan helps us take meaningful steps to strengthen relationships, build respect and create opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Have your say on our car sharing policyWe invite your feedback on our draft policy.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Have your say Central Sydney on-street parking policyWe invite your feedback on our draft policy.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Have your say on our neighbourhood on-street parking policyWe invite your feedback on our draft policy.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed changes to our pool barrier inspection programWe’re proposing to increase our pool barrier inspections across the local area to keep children safe.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on special entertainment precinctsWe invite your feedback on our plans to enhance nightlife and encourage live music and performance.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on a licence for a Green Square marketThe market will offer high-quality seasonal goods direct from growers and food producers.Under review · Green SquarePolicy & planning changes
Have your say on our revised environmental strategyThe plan covers our operations, climate resilient buildings, waterways and land, and strong foundations to drive informed decisions.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Have your say on proposed planning controls in Ultimo and PyrmontWe’re inviting feedback on proposed changes to the planning controls for select sites in Ultimo and Pyrmont.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Have your say on the Haymarket activation grant guidelinesThis new grant program will support a major activation in Haymarket to celebrate Asian cultures and attract people to the area.Under review · HaymarketPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed amendments to managing entertainment sound and trading hours Considering venues and their neighbours while allowing businesses to stay open later.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on proposed changes to reduce the loss of housing across the City of Sydney areaProposed planning changes to reduce the loss of dwellings when existing residential flat buildings are redeveloped.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on flooding in Sydney City, Darling Harbour and neighbouring suburbsShare your experiences and help us plan for its impacts in the future.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning changes for 383-395A Kent Street, SydneyA proposal to change the building height and floor space controls to support a new commercial development.Under review · SydneyPolicy & planning changes
Your say on our draft code of meeting practiceUnder reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning changes for 232–240 Elizabeth Street, Surry HillsA proposal to increase the building height and floor space ratio to allow the development of a new commercial building.Under review · Surry HillsPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed changes to the Central Sydney development contributions plan 2020This proposal will make the development contributions plan more consistent and better aligned with the proposed contributions plan for Ultimo and Pyrmont.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on our updated grants and sponsorship guidelinesWe’ve reviewed the guidelines to ensure programs continue to meet best practice in grants management and are aligned with the strategic directions and actions in Sustainable Sydney 2030–2050 Continuing the Vision.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on Sydney StreetsWe’re seeking your opinion about future events.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Sydney City Farm business plan reviewWe’re seeking the community’s input and ideas as part of our review of the Sydney City Farm business plan and update for 2021 to 2026.Under review · St Peters
Closed & completed
Policy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning control changes for 47-51 Riley Street, WoolloomoolooClosedPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 22-40 Rosebery Avenue & 108 Dalmeny Avenue, RoseberyClosed · RoseberyPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 132–138 McEvoy Street, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Proposed changes to planning controls for the Sydney Metro Hunter Street developmentClosedPolicy & planning changes
Draft deed of variation to planning agreement: 200 Bourke Road & 504A–506 Gardeners Road, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Planning proposal: Build-to-rent and co-living housing in Central SydneyClosedPolicy & planning changes
Proposed planning control changes for 923–935 Bourke Street, WaterlooClosed · WaterlooPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning control changes 8-24 Kippax Street, Surry HillsClosed · Surry HillsPolicy & planning changes
Proposed changes to planning controls for 118–130 Epsom Road and 905 South Dowling Street, ZetlandClosed · ZetlandPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 27–31 Doody Street, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 158 Botany Road & 158 Wyndham Street, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Your say on our draft councillors’ expenses and facilities policyClosedPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 118-130 Epsom Road 905 South Dowling Street, ZetlandClosed · ZetlandPolicy & planning changes
Review of planning controls: Oxford StreetCompleted · Darlinghurst, PaddingtonPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 174, 174A & 180 George Street & 11-15, 12-22 & 17-23 Sai Ying Lane, SydneyClosed · SydneyPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning controls for the Botany Road precinctClosed · Redfern, Waterloo, AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Proposed changes to planning controls for 90 and 100-104 Brougham Street, Potts PointClosed · Potts PointPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 164–172 and 174–194 William Street, WoolloomoolooClosed · WoolloomoolooPolicy & planning changes
Proposed planning control changes for 757–763 George Street, HaymarketClosedPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on proposed changes to planning controls for 15–25 Hunter Street and 105���107 Pitt Street Sydney ClosedPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning controls for Oxford StreetClosed · DarlinghurstPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning controls for net zero energy developmentClosedPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 56–76, 82–106 & 110–122 Oxford Street, DarlinghurstClosed · DarlinghurstPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 330 Botany Road, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Proposed changes to retail planning controls for parts of Waterloo and Alexandria and retail parking controls across the City of Sydney areaClosed · Waterloo, AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
An Open and Creative City: planning for culture and the night-time economyClosedPolicy & planning changes
Draft deed of variation of planning agreement: 2–38 Baptist Street & 397–399A Cleveland Street, RedfernClosed · RedfernPolicy & planning changes
Proposed changes to planning controls for 2 Chifley Square, SydneyClosed · SydneyPolicy & planning changes
Your say on a local Aboriginal knowledge and culture centre in RedfernClosed · RedfernPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 108, 110 & 112 Victoria Street, BeaconsfieldClosed · BeaconsfieldPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 25–27 Lachlan Street, 1–1A Amelia Street, 3 Amelia Street & 5 Amelia Street, WaterlooClosed · WaterlooPolicy & planning changes
Proposed changes to planning controls for 10–12 Nimrod Street, DarlinghurstClosedPolicy & planning changes
Proposed changes to planning controls for 85-93 Commonwealth Street, Surry HillsClosed · Surry HillsPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 296–298 Botany Road & 284 Wyndham Street, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Your say on the proposed name Mount Carmel Place in WaterlooClosed · WaterlooPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 413–415 Sussex Street & 82–84 Dixon Street, Haymarket Closed · HaymarketPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on an application to award heritage floor space for 177–181 Clarence Street, SydneyClosed · SydneyPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 118-130 Epsom Road & 905 South Dowling Street, ZetlandClosed · ZetlandPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 28 & 30–32 Bourke Road, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 46 Victoria Street, BeaconsfieldClosed · BeaconsfieldPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 552–554 Botany Road, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 216-220 Wyndham Street, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Draft variation to planning agreement: Green Square town centreClosed · Green SquarePolicy & planning changes
Deed of variation to planning agreement: 106–116 Epsom Road, ZetlandClosed · ZetlandPolicy & planning changes
Proposed changes to planning controls for 2A, 2-8 Arundel Street and 6-12 Parramatta Road, Forest LodgeClosed · Forest LodgePolicy & planning changes
Your say on options for taller buildings facing Taylor SquareClosed · DarlinghurstPolicy & planning changes
An application for award of heritage floor space for 75–77 Pitt Street, SydneyClosedPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 11–15 Collins Street, BeaconsfieldClosed · BeaconsfieldPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on a proposal to change the formula for calculating heritage floor space awards for certain buildingsClosedPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on the possible rezoning proposal for Little Eveleigh Street, RedfernClosed · RedfernPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 15–17 William Street, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
New stormwater drain for Joynton Avenue – review of environmental factorsClosed · ZetlandPolicy & planning changes
Your say on our draft managing waste in public places – local approvals policyClosedPolicy & planning changes
Your say on the storage of canoes and kayaks at Rushcutters Bay and Beare ParkClosed · Rushcutters Bay, Elizabeth BayPolicy & planning changes
Application for award of heritage floor space – The Great SynagogueClosed · SydneyPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 12–18 Stokes Avenue, AlexandriaClosed · AlexandriaPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 48 Victoria Street, BeaconsfieldClosed · BeaconsfieldPolicy & planning changes
Have your say on the Dixon Street improvement grant guidelinesClosed · HaymarketPolicy & planning changes
Have your say on the type of street trees planted in your local areaClosedPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on a planning proposal to extend the alternative heritage floor space allocation schemeClosedPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 1 & 3 Alfred Street and 1 & 1A Pitt Street, SydneyClosed · SydneyPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 108, 110 & 112 Victoria Street, BeaconsfieldClosed · BeaconsfieldPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 657–657A Botany Road, RoseberyClosed · RoseberyPolicy & planning changes
Proposed changes to planning controls for 377-495 Botany Road and 960A Bourke Street, ZetlandClosed