Bettina Johnston
Senior Community Engagement Coordinator - City Engagement
Michelle Cramsie
Specialist Planner
Council approved the planning proposal and an amendment to the Sydney Local Environmental Plan in June 2024. The changes to the Sydney LEP were published in December 2024.
Senior Community Engagement Coordinator - City Engagement
Specialist Planner
We’re proposing to make changes to the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 that will support build-to-rent and co-living housing in Central Sydney. This will contribute to greater housing diversity and help address the current housing supply shortage.
The proposed changes include introducing floor space incentives for applications lodged within 5 years of the changes being made. The proposed changes also provide clarity on responding to the specific characteristics of Central Sydney through the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021.
This proposal has been informed by the Central Sydney planning strategy and is considered to support compatible uses to help meet the current housing shortage while not compromising the long-term vision to provide for productive employment capacity in a mixed-use global city.
We will consider all submissions received during the public consultation period and report the results to Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee.
If Council approves this planning proposal after public consultation, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces will be responsible for finalising the applicable amendments to Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.
The proposal is aiming to change the planning controls in Central Sydney to address the current housing supply challenge. This will ensure the controls continue to achieve positive outcomes for the local economy, residents and visitors.
The changes also ensure there is consistency with our land use planning framework and the vision set out in our strategies including the Central Sydney planning strategy, local strategic planning statement and Sustainable Sydney 2030–2050 Continuing the Vision. The new provisions will expand and diversify the city’s supply of housing in Central Sydney.
Consultation closes at 5pm on Tuesday 14 May 2024.
You can give your feedback by email to [email protected] or post to:
Bettina Johnston
Senior Community Engagement Coordinator, City Engagement
City of Sydney
GPO Box 1591
Sydney NSW 2001
Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation’s name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your contribution.