Your feedback on our walking strategy and action plan

We’re updating our walking strategy and action plan.


Public consultation period to

What we’re doing

Our updated walking strategy and action plan builds on previous ideas and introduces new actions.

Since the strategy was adopted in 2015, we’ve made significant walking improvements across the local area.

The updated strategy and action plan creates a framework to achieve the walking outcomes aligned with Sustainable Sydney 2030–2050 Continuing the Vision.

Why we’re doing this

Our communities told us walking is important to them. When asked for words to describe Sydney in the future, safe, sustainable, green and walkable consistently came up as the most popular choices among people.

The updated strategy and action plan considers the whole walking experience – from safe walking connections to needs such as comfort and enjoyment for people.

The strategy positions our city to be a leader in the walking space. Its 12 actions include advocacy and working with partners, and City of Sydney-led actions such as more pedestrian crossing and public domain improvements.

Next steps

Your feedback on the draft walking strategy and action plan will be collected and reported to Council for consideration later this year.

Read the strategy and action plan

Walking strategy and action plan (draft)PDF · 3.85 MB · Last modified

How you can give feedback

Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 5 April 2024.

Other ways you can give feedback