Your say on proposed planning changes for 232–240 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills

A proposal to increase the building height and floor space ratio to allow the development of a new commercial building.

Project Status: Open for feedback

Public consultation period to

What we’re doing

The proposed changes include increasing the maximum height from 35m to 39.3m and the floor space ratio from 5:1 to 7.3:1. This is equivalent to an extra 2000m² of commercial floor space.

The changes will allow for a new 10-storey development with office and retail space and a pedestrian link connecting Foster Lane with Reservoir Street.

Main documents

Draft planning proposalPDF · 3.39 MB · Last modified
Draft development control planPDF · 569.53 KB · Last modified
Draft planning agreementPDF · 665.95 KB · Last modified
Explanatory note VPA 232-240 Elizabeth St Surry HillsPDF · 113.98 KB · Last modified

Supporting documents

Resolution of CouncilPDF · 46.93 KB · Last modified
Gateway determinationPDF · 176.18 KB · Last modified
Alteration to gateway determinationPDF · 155.9 KB · Last modified
Council reportPDF · 508.14 KB · Last modified
Planning proposal justification reportPDF · 5.02 MB · Last modified
Urban design studyPDF · 14.29 MB · Last modified
Economic and social impact reportPDF · 716.29 KB · Last modified
Desktop contamination studyPDF · 8.92 MB · Last modified
Traffic impact assessmentPDF · 6.53 MB · Last modified
Flood advice reportPDF · 17.28 MB · Last modified
Archaeological assessmentPDF · 18.14 MB · Last modified
Landscape concept planPDF · 5.11 MB · Last modified
Section J assessment reportPDF · 2.75 MB · Last modified
Acoustic assessmentPDF · 1.77 MB · Last modified
Qualitative wind assessmentPDF · 939.44 KB · Last modified
Survey planPDF · 622.36 KB · Last modified
Waste management planPDF · 4.57 MB · Last modified
Oviform sewer investigationPDF · 170.7 KB · Last modified
Heritage impact assessmentPDF · 4.48 MB · Last modified
Geotechnical reportPDF · 16.77 MB · Last modified

Next steps

We will report the results to Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee.

If Council approves this planning proposal after public consultation, it can amend the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 on behalf of the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces.

How you can give feedback

Consultation closes at 5pm on Thursday 3 October 2024.

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation’s name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your contribution.

Other ways you can give feedback