Your say on updating our register of significant trees
Open for feedback
We invite you to nominate new trees to be added to the current register.
What we’re doing
We’re accepting nominations for new trees to be added to our register of significant trees.
Nominations should be for trees which have visual, botanic, ecological, historical, social/cultural or commemorative significance.
We’ll review all requests against the classification criteria.
Why we’re doing this
Our strategies, policies and plans across various portfolios help to meet our greening aims and objectives. This includes the register of significant trees which is reviewed around every 10 years to reflect changes in listings.
A summary of key information about the register of significant trees and how to nominate a new tree is listed below.
Interactive map
- To nominate a new tree zoom in and click on a blank section of the map.
- To comment on an existing tree, click on a green dot.
Map legend:
- Green dots indicate existing trees in the register
- Orange dots indicate nominated trees
Next steps
Our expert panel will review all nominations.
The register will then be updated and a public feedback recommendation made to Council. After public comment, we’ll consider all feedback and report the results to Council and the Environment and Climate Change Committee.
How you can give feedback
Consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 7 April 2025.
Complete our nomination form
Email or post your feedback
You can give your feedback by email to [email protected] or post to:
Karen Sweeney
City Greening and Leisure
456 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000