Notify us when someone dies
Project Status: When you need to do this
Informing us when a loved one passes away will let us update all their City of Sydney records at the same time.
What you need to do
Contact the Australian Death Notification Service
The loss of a loved one is a difficult time. We understand there are many important matters that arise.
To make this time easier for you, we’ve joined the Australian Death Notification Service.
The service allows you to notify multiple organisations of a loved one’s death so their accounts can be updated.
When the deceased’s details are entered, the service validates them with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages to confirm the death has been registered.
Once the details are confirmed, you can choose which participating organisations to notify.
Participating organisations include banks, superannuation funds, phone and internet companies, energy and water providers, and government authorities, including the City of Sydney.
The service notifies the selected organisations and they’ll contact you as needed.