Report an issue
The City of Sydney is committed to maintaining a clean and safe community. To help us care for our community we need your help and feedback.

Local amenity
Report an issue
Report a local amenityUse this form to report issues with bus shelters, council-owned roads and footpaths, bike facilities, barbecues, ponds/lakes and water features, sports facilities and playgrounds, public toilets and other public amenities.Report an issue
Report illegal dumpingDumping unwanted material on the footpath is an offence. You can report illegal dumping incidents in the City of Sydney by using our online form.Report an issue
Report a tree issueFind out what actions you can take if you need to report a tree issue in the City of Sydney.Report an issue
Report illegal graffitiThe best thing you can do to help reduce graffiti in our community is report it when you see it. We act quickly to remove graffiti because our residents have told us that clean walls are a sign they live in a safe neighbourhood.Report an issue
Report illegal bill postersThe material you see pasted or taped to telegraph poles, fences, hoardings and the sides of buildings is visually polluting, and often placed on public property illegally.Report an issue
Report unauthorised and illegal accommodationLet us know about unlawful or non-approved short-term rentals and tourist lodgings.Report an issue
Request pesticide use be limited or avoided in a particular areaThe treatments we use are covered in our notification plan.Waste & recycling services
Report unclean streets and public spacesIf you notice a public area such as a street, park or playground that needs a clean-up, you can report it to us.
Report an issue
Resolve residential noise issuesBefore taking formal steps to complain about noise, you should try talking to your neighbour to work towards an appropriate solution.Report an issue
Report excessive noise from garbage and bottle collectionsConcerns regarding excessive noise from residential waste collection may be directed to us.Report an issue
Report unwanted noise from retail, commercial or industrial premisesNoise from retail, commercial and industrial operations can have an unwelcome impact at times, but these businesses are subject to controls.Development guidelines & policies
Construction site noiseTo balance industry needs with the needs of our residents and businesses, we require landowners, including developers and site workers, to follow limits on noise and working hours.Published 12 January 2023Report an issue
Report noise from motor vehiclesIf you're concerned about excessive noise from motor vehicles you can report noisy engines and exhausts, dangerous driving and horns, alarms, sound systems and vehicle refrigerators.Report an issue
Fireworks in the local areaFind out who authorises them, who puts them on and who to contact if they're disturbing your night.Report an issue
Report excessive noise from major works, transport and eventsSome sources aren't regulated by us. These organisations can help with your concern.
Vehicles & parking
Transport & parking
Report a vehicle illegally parked or abandonedThe City of Sydney rangers patrol our local area daily to encourage people to comply with parking restrictions and provide fair access to on-street parking for as many drivers as possible.Transport & parking
Report a problem with a parking meterIf you encounter a problem with a parking meter, call 1300 887 956.Transport & parking
Pay or enquire about a parking fineRevenue NSW is responsible for the receipt and processing of fines, and administering the enforcement system to collect unpaid fines.
Garbage & waste
Waste & recycling services
Report a missed waste collectionFind out what to do if the City of Sydney didn’t pick up your bin.Waste & recycling services
Report bins left out on the streetBins left out can create safety hazards, cause littering problems if knocked over and are more likely to be damaged, stolen or lost.Report an issue
Report excessive noise from garbage and bottle collectionsConcerns regarding excessive noise from residential waste collection may be directed to us.Report an issue
Report illegal dumpingDumping unwanted material on the footpath is an offence. You can report illegal dumping incidents in the City of Sydney by using our online form.
Pets & animals
Pet & animal services
Find your missing petIf your dog or cat is microchipped and registered, or wearing a collar and identification tag, we’ll contact you to reclaim your pet straight away.Pet & animal services
Report a badly behaving animalIf pets in your neighbourhood are causing problems, there are steps you can take.Pet & animal services
Report sick and injured wildlifeIf you come across an animal that is in distress or injured, call your local wildlife rescue group to find out what you can do.Property & tree maintenance
Addressing pest issues including rats, mice, pigeons and beesVermin concerns on private land are the responsibility of the landowner and a licensed pest controller should be contacted, however we do have a baiting and monitoring program to control rodent activity in public spaces.