Report suspicions of modern slavery
Project Status: When you need to do this
Use this form to report suspected or actual modern slavery in the City of Sydney’s business operations or supply chain.
Anyone can make a report to us.
Modern slavery is defined by the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW), and includes the following types of exploitation:
- Trafficking in people – the recruitment, harbouring and movement of persons for the purposes of exploitation through modern slavery. This includes sexual exploitation, forced labour or services and slavery and practices similar to slavery.
- Slavery – when a person exercises power of ownership over another.
- Servitude – a situation where an individual’s freedom is significantly restricted, for example they are not free to stop working or to leave their place of work.
- Forced labour – where violence or other methods (for example accumulation or debt, retention of identity papers) are used to coerce victims to work.
- Forced marriage – where an individual is forced or deceived into marrying.
- Debt bondage – where a victim’s services are pledged as security for a debt and the debt is excessive, the length and nature of services are not defined or the value of the services is not applied against the debt.
- Deceptive recruiting for labour or services – where a victim is deceived about the conditions in which they will be working.
- The worst forms of child labour – situations where children are subjected to slavery or similar practices, or engaged in hazardous work which could harm their health and safety.
What you need to do
- Determine if your report concerns modern slavery in the City of Sydney’s business operations or supply chain.
- If your report concerns modern slavery in the City of Sydney’s business operations or supply chain, complete our online form.
- The form has a series of questions for you to complete and allows you to add attachments, for example photographs or documents.
- Please provide as much information as possible as this will assist us with the review of your report.
- Providing your personal details can assist us in reviewing your report should we need further information. However, you have the option to be anonymous.
After you finish
If you provide your contact details we will acknowledge receipt of your report within 2 working days.
We will consider all the information you provide and that is available to determine next steps.
Where considered appropriate or as required, the City of Sydney will notify the Fair Work Ombudsman, Safe Work NSW, NSW Police, the Australian Federal Police, the NSW Anti-Slavery Commissioner and any other relevant authorities of suspected modern slavery.
The City of Sydney will report any suspected modern slavery involving violence or criminality to the police.
If the report does not concern modern slavery in the City of Sydney’s business operations or supply chain, it may be referred internally to another business unit to review. Alternatively the reporter may be directed to another agency as appropriate.
Message from the CEO
Modern slavery is a human rights violation and a serious crime. The City of Sydney respects and protects human rights by identifying, and minimising modern slavery risks within our supply chains and business operations.
We are committed to a high standard of ethical business and will work with our suppliers to identify, manage and minimise risk and instances of modern slavery in their supply chains and business operations.
We encourage you to use this form to report suspected or actual instances of modern slavery in the City of Sydney’s business operations or supply chains.
Alternatively, we respect your decision to report through other reporting avenues.
Anti-Slavery Australia can provide access to free and confidential legal and migration advice to anyone in modern slavery. Call 02 9514 8115 or visit
To report modern slavery in Australia call the Australian Federal Police on 131 237 or make a report through its website
The NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner’s team can provide you confidential advice and support and refer you to other sources of assistance. Contact the NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner on 0455 255 453 or [email protected].