Report suspicions of fraudulent or corrupt conduct
How to raise concerns about fraud or corruption that involves or affects the City of Sydney.
When you need to do this
Use this form to report suspicions, concerns or allegations of fraud or corruption at the City of Sydney.
Anyone can make a report, including residents, visitors, employees and the public.
If your concern relates to noise, parking, waste, antisocial behaviour or local amenity, please report a local issue instead. You can also make a complaint or provide feedback.
What you need to do
Read our definitions for fraud and corruption
- Fraud is intentional deception to secure a benefit.
- Corrupt conduct is deliberate or intentional wrongdoing, not negligence or a mistake. It has to involve or affect a NSW public official or public sector organisation.
Determine if your report concerns fraud or corrupt conduct
Use this form to report
- fraudulent or corrupt conduct that involves or affects a City of Sydney employee – for example, a City of Sydney employee improperly using their position for private gain
- fraudulent or corrupt conduct that involves or affects the City of Sydney as an organisation – for example, a person submitting inaccurate work history for a job application, or fraudulent documentation for a permit application, or a City of Sydney contractor submitting false invoices.
Do not use this form to report issues like
- unauthorised construction works
- neighbourhood disputes over right to use and enjoy property (for example, holiday rental complaints)
- noise complaints
- grievances.
If your report concerns fraud or corrupt conduct, complete our online form
- The form has a series of questions for you to complete and allows you to add attachments, for example photographs or documents.
- Please provide as much information as possible as this will assist us with the review of your report.
- Providing your personal details can assist us in reviewing your report should we need further information. However, you have the option to be anonymous.
- Any reports made in good faith will be treated with sensitivity.
After you finish
If you provide your contact details we will acknowledge receipt of your report within 10 working days.
We will consider all of the information you provide and that is available, and then decide whether to investigate.
If a report isn’t considered to be related to fraud and corruption it may be referred to the relevant City of Sydney business area for review in line with our complaint management procedure.
Message from the CEO
The City of Sydney has zero tolerance of fraudulent or corrupt conduct by its City councillors, employees, volunteers, contractors and suppliers to the City. Further, the City does not tolerate detrimental action taken against people who come forward to report suspicions of such conduct.
We are committed to a high standard of ethical and accountable conduct and will support and protect the reporting of wrongdoing.
We will take action to detect, investigate and discipline fraudulent and corrupt conduct. Where appropriate or required by law, we will report fraudulent and corrupt conduct to the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the NSW Police Force.
If you wish to provide information about suspected fraudulent or corrupt conduct, please contact a member of our Governance team or fill in our online reporting form.
Alternatively, we respect your decision to disclose alleged wrongdoing through external reporting avenues.
Monica Barone
Chief Executive Officer
City of Sydney
Information for City of Sydney employees and public officials
- If you’re a public official and you want to make a protected disclosure relating to suspicions of serious wrongdoing at the City of Sydney, please refer to the public interest disclosure policy to assess if your report meets the requirements.
You can make a report to your manager, supervisor or any director or other disclosure officer. Our officers will be able to assess your public interest disclosure and advise the appropriate course of action. You can find a full list of our disclosures officers and their contact details in the public interest disclosure policy and on CityNet.
- Disclosures Officers – the CEO, The Lord Mayor (for reports about the CEO), all Directors, Chief People and Culture and Manager Risk and Governance, and some senior staff at each worksite.
- Disclosures Coordinator – Director Legal and Governance.
If you would prefer to make your public interest disclosure externally you can contact the following agencies:
- Independent Commission Against Corruption – alleged corrupt conduct
- NSW Ombudsman – alleged maladministration
- Information and Privacy Commission NSW – alleged government information contravention
- Office of Local Government – alleged serious and substantial waste.