Report unwanted noise from retail, commercial or industrial premises

Noise from retail, commercial and industrial operations can have an unwelcome impact at times, but these businesses are subject to controls.

When you need to do this

What you need to do

Further information

Noise from commercial operations, plant and industrial activity

Typical issues associated with commercial premises include:

  • noise from different types of plant
  • forklifts/delivery vehicle noise
  • loading docks and waste handling noise (not collections)
  • commercial/process-related noise and associated business activities.

Typical issues with industrial noise will also include activities such as manufacturing, heavy processes, dismantling and assembly, refining, servicing and repairing.

Development conditions of consent for noise also apply to most commercial operations and industrial activities in the City of Sydney local area. We apply a variety of noise conditions at the planning and development stage to reduce the risk of noise problems developing once a commercial operation has been approved.

Some premises may not have been subject to planning controls or there may be other circumstances leading to a noise nuisance. In such circumstances where we have been able to gather appropriate evidence and the noise impact has been assessed as excessive, we may be able to take action to address an environmentally unsatisfactory situation separate to a development approval.

Entertainment noise from licensed premises

Licensed premises include pubs, clubs, small bars, restaurants, cafes and other entertainment venues that supply and sell alcohol. Noise from these venues can reach unreasonable levels at times.

The NSW Government changed relevant noise control law to make Liquor & Gaming NSW the lead regulator for entertainment noise from licensed premises, effective from 1 July 2024.

Complaints about entertainment noise, for example unwanted music and patron sound impacts from licensed venues, are now led by Liquor & Gaming NSW.

You can raise concerns about ongoing entertainment noise with Liquor & Gaming NSW.

Other useful contacts

The NSW Environment Protection Authority provides contacts for noise pollution and information on noise regulation in NSW.