Project Status: Closed
Thank you for your feedback. More than 1,000 people engaged with us to help build a vision for Haymarket.
Our engagement report from this consultation will be used to inform projects and future outcomes in the Haymarket area.
What we’re doing
We want to hear your ideas for the future of Haymarket: what makes Haymarket special, the places you love and what could be improved.
Your answers will help create a vision and future outcomes for Haymarket.
We want to hear from everyone who works, lives, has a business in, or visits Haymarket.
How you can give feedback
Consultation closes at 5pm on Wednesday 21 September 2022.
There are a few ways you can provide feedback:
Online survey
Dixon Street discussion guide
Use the discussion guide to give specific feedback on Dixon Street.
Pop up consultation stands (weather permitting)
You can also speak with our employees and leave feedback for projects that will pop up in Haymarket during the consultation period.
Email or post your feedback
You can give your feedback by email to [email protected] or post to:
Senior Project Manager, Community Engagement
City of Sydney
Town Hall House
GPO Box 1591
Sydney NSW 2001
Area in focus for this consultation