Vision setting
Have your say on the future of our city.

Under review
Policy & planning changes
Your say on our proposed cultural strategy 2025–2035Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.Under reviewVision setting
Your say on shaping your cityWe’re making it easier for you to have your say.Under reviewVision setting
Your say on developing our new inclusion (disability) action planWe’re developing our new inclusion (disability) action plan and invite your feedback to inform its development.Under reviewVision setting
Your say on the wellbeing of our cityShare your experience of living, working or studying in Sydney by completing this anonymous survey.Under reviewVision setting
Your say on developing a community wealth building policyWe’re investigating a policy to apply the principles of community wealth building in Sydney.Under review
Vision setting
Proposal to upgrade Loftus Street, Customs House Lane and Reiby Place, SydneyWe propose pedestrianising Loftus Street north of Reiby Place, paving Customs House Lane, and widening the footpaths in Reiby Place.Closed · SydneyVision setting
Your say on our new economic development strategyWe’re updating our economic strategy and invite the community to have their say.ClosedVision setting
Developing a community vision for Wentworth ParkWe’ll use your feedback to create a draft concept plan for the site, which will be available later in 2022 for further community feedback.Closed · Glebe, Ultimo, PyrmontVision setting
Your feedback on outdoor alcohol restrictionsHelping prevent antisocial behaviour and crime.ClosedVision setting
Your say on developing a resilience strategyStrengthening our ability to prepare for, withstand and adapt following major disruptions.ClosedVision setting
Your say on our plan: Sustainable Sydney 2030–2050 Continuing the VisionFor a city that is green, global and connected.ClosedVision setting
Your say on our resilience strategy Your feedback will help us further develop the strategy.ClosedVision setting
Your say on our revised urban forest strategyWe've reviewed our strategy and expanded the targets for canopy cover in local streets, parks and properties.ClosedVision setting
Your say on planning our economic development strategyWe’re planning our next economic development strategy for our local area.ClosedVision setting
Your say on the revised Redfern neighbourhood vision and planFollowing community feedback, we’ve revised the plan for our upgrade of the area.Closed · RedfernVision setting
Proposal to extend the George Street pedestrian boulevard – Hunter Street to Essex Street, SydneyThis proposal will extend the pedestrian boulevard of George Street from Hunter Street to Essex Street.Closed · Circular Quay, WynyardVision setting
Have your say on Sydney’s business recovery from Covid-19Following our survey in May 2020, we’re checking in to understand how local businesses are recovering from the impacts of Covid-19.ClosedVision setting
Have your say on a LGBTIQA+ social and cultural place strategy for Oxford StreetWe’re planning a strategy to strengthen the community’s identity and culture in the area.ClosedVision setting
Help plan the emerging Tech Central precinct in CamperdownThe City of Sydney and Inner West Council are working together to develop a long-term planning vision for the health, education and innovation precinct.Closed · CamperdownVision setting
Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel – expression of interestWe’re seeking 6 new members to join the panel and help make the city more inclusive and accessible.ClosedVision setting
Have your say on our environmental strategy 2021–2025We're committed to acting on climate change and creating a more resilient and sustainable city for everyone, now and in the future.ClosedVision setting
Have your say on plans to revitalise HaymarketWe invite your feedback on our Haymarket and Chinatown revitalisation strategy and Haymarket public domain plan, to help shape future projects and actions.Closed · HaymarketVision setting
Have your say on the Erskineville and Alexandria traffic and transport studyBy providing your feedback you will be registered to find out when the next consultation begins.ClosedVision setting
Have your say on the Redfern neighbourhood vision and planHelp shape the public spaces and streets around the Redfern community centre.Closed · RedfernVision setting
Have your say on the future of HaymarketYour answers will help create a vision and future outcomes for Haymarket.ClosedVision setting
Your feedback on the Redfern neighbourhood vision and planWe invite your feedback on the Redfern neighbourhood vision and plan.Closed · RedfernVision setting
Creating more public parkland by reconfiguring Moore Park Golf CourseThe 18-hole golf course covers 45ha of public land – similar to Sydney Park. With an increasing need for open space, we’re asking if the golf course is the best use of public land.Closed · Moore ParkVision setting
Your say on activities and services in City of Sydney community centres and librariesWe’re seeking feedback on the activities and services provided through our community centres and libraries.ClosedVision setting
Your say on short-term rental accommodationOur study aims to understand the effects of the rules around short-term rental accommodation in the City of Sydney area.ClosedVision setting
Have your say on Sydney’s business needs and prioritiesOur annual pulse check to help understand local business needs, operational trends and priorities.ClosedVision setting
Your feedback on our updated access strategy and action planYour feedback will help us further develop the strategy and action plan.ClosedVision setting
Survey: Cooks River catchment coastal management programWe want to know what you value about the Cooks River and Botany areas. The City of Sydney is a partner in this project with the Cooks River Alliance.ClosedVision setting
Take our survey on the city’s kerb ramps and footpathsWe invite people with disability and people with access needs to give feedback on the accessibility of footpaths in the city.ClosedVision setting
Planning for Sydney 2050 – have your sayWhile 2050 may seem a long time away, we need to plan now if we are to meet the ongoing and future needs of our communities.ClosedVision setting
Have your say on our electrification of transport in the city strategy and action planWe invite you to have your say on the strategy and action plan for electrification of transport.ClosedVision setting
Have your say on our greening Sydney strategyWe’d like your feedback on a proposed new strategy to green Sydney and create a cool, calm and resilient city.ClosedProposed works & maintenance
Help shape future open spaces in the Danks Street south precinct, WaterlooWe are developing a concept plan for new open spaces in this area.Closed · WaterlooNSW Government projects
Rezoning proposal for the Central precinctTransport for NSW has lodged an application with the Department of Planning and Environment to develop the area.ClosedVision setting
Have your say on Sydney’s business needsWe’re checking in to understand your business needs, operational trends and priorities.ClosedVision setting
Your feedback on managing Crown lands in the City of Sydney areaHelp us shape new plans of management for Crown lands in our local area.ClosedVision setting
Proposal to close part of Chapman Road, AnnandaleCreating an extra 1,500 square metres of open space.Closed · AnnandaleVision setting
Proposed pedestrian boulevard – George Street, Sydney & Devonshire Street, Surry HillsThis proposal will extend the pedestrian boulevard of George Street, Sydney, from Bathurst Street to Railway Square, and create a pedestrian boulevard on Devonshire Street between Chalmers and Elizabeth streets, in Surry Hills.ClosedVision setting
Survey: Sydney's recovery planSupporting our communities for life during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.ClosedVision setting
Planning for Sydney 2050 – local schoolsEnsuring we meet the ongoing and future needs of our communities.ClosedVision setting
Have your say on our smart city strategic frameworkAn overarching approach to making technology and data work to make better decisions and enhance quality of life for our diverse communities.ClosedVision setting
Join ‘I am Sydney’ – a collection of stories about you and your cityThese stories will help set the scene for the City of Sydney‘s new plan for the future.ClosedVision setting
Have your say on caring for kids in the citySydney is a family-friendly city and we want to make sure we can plan for current and future childcare needs.ClosedVision setting
Feedback on the draft cycling strategy and action planMaking riding a bike in our local area safe, convenient and enjoyable.Closed