Planning for 2050

We're creating a plan for our local area to 2050, with everyone who has an interest in our city.

In progress

Planning for the future

It’s time to review our Sustainable Sydney 2030 plan. After 10 years of work, we need to take stock of our progress and look to the challenges and opportunities that our city and its communities will face in the coming decades.

Sustainable Sydney 2030 – achievements

In the 10 years we’ve been working on Sustainable Sydney 2030, our area has been transformed.

We’ve improved liveability by creating new parks and playgrounds and undertaking major upgrades to existing ones. We’ve opened new libraries at Surry Hills and Green Square, and created new childcare centres, theatres and cultural spaces. Since 2004, we’ve completed more than 250 major projects.

Our environmental actions have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 20% (2006 baseline) at June 2017. We’ve also planted more than 13,200 trees to improve our local streets and created 163 rain gardens to filter pollution before it reaches our waterways. And where possible, we’ve converted asphalt or concrete into street gardens and planted verges.

We’re building a network of cycleways, improving footpaths and installing a new wayfinding system to help people move around the city.

We’ve welcomed more than 64,000 new residents to our area over the past decade and 115,000 more jobs.

The city economy is strong – contributing about 7% to Australia's GDP.

Your ideas for our city's future

While 2050 may seem a long time away, we need to plan now if we are to meet the ongoing and future needs of our communities. That's why we resolved to look further ahead.

Every day 1.3 million people live, work, study, do business, shop and go out in our local area. All of these people have an interest in the future of Sydney and are invited to have their say.

How your feedback will become part of the plan

Since November 2018, we've worked with the community on its vision for Sydney in 2050.

Thank you to everyone who's been part of the consultation so far. The outcomes are now available.

You can follow update reports to the council on the development of Sustainable Sydney 2050 to see how insights from the community are shaping the plan.