Development guidelines & policies
Additional information and guidance to the controls contained within local environmental plans and development control plans.

Your say on updates to planning controls
We invite your feedback on proposed changes to our planning controls that support our strategic objectives of greening, amenity, parking, design excellence and Central Sydney development.
Development guidelines & policies
Access policyWe aim to provide an environment that is accessible for everyone, including people with disability.Published 1 June 2004Development guidelines & policies
Alternative natural ventilation of apartments in noisy environmentsThe performance pathway guideline is expected to be applied only where there is a genuine physical or environmental constraint on the design of an apartment's natural ventilation.Published 17 September 2018Policies
Central Sydney on-street parking policyEstablishes criteria and service objectives for allocating kerbside parking and loading.Published 22 November 2017Development guidelines & policies
Code of practice: construction hours and noise in the city centreMeasures to reduce noise and impose time restrictions on noisy demolition, excavation and construction activities.Published 1 December 1992Development guidelines & policies
Construction site noiseTo balance industry needs with the needs of our residents and businesses, we require landowners, including developers and site workers, to follow limits on noise and working hours.Published 12 January 2023Development guidelines & policies
Creative graphic design guide for hoardings and scaffoldingThis guide outlines how you design, print and install graphics for hoardings and scaffolding in the City of Sydney area.Published 7 February 2024Development guidelines & policies
Development application exception for solar panels in heritage conservation areas – GuidelineYou may not need a DA to install solar panels in heritage conservation areas if the works are in line with this document.Published 12 January 2023Policies
Display of goods on the footway – local approvals policyAims to support and promote retailers using the footway while ensuring comfort and safe use by pedestrians.Published 22 December 2022Development guidelines & policies
Guidelines for hoardings and scaffoldingPublished 21 November 2016Development guidelines & policies
Guidelines for waste management in new developmentsThe efficient storage, separation, collection and handling of waste will maximise resource recovery and provide safe and healthy spaces for people.Published 30 August 2018Policies
Inclusive and accessible public domain policyProvides a framework to apply relevant Australian access standards consistently.Published 1 October 2019Development guidelines & policies
Landscape codePractical advice and guidelines for landscape elements that must be addressed in development applications.Published 21 November 2016Policies
Managing asbestos policyOutlines our commitment and responsibilities to safely manage asbestos.Published 4 March 2025Development guidelines & policies
Minimising overshadowing of neighbouring apartmentsExplains how the apartment design guide solar access objectives, design criteria and guidance are applied when assessing overshadowing of neighbouring apartments.Published 12 December 2019Policies
Outdoor dining policyHow we determine requests by business to use public footpaths and spaces for outdoor dining.Published 22 February 2021Development guidelines & policies
Planning agreement guidelinesPlanning agreements (also commonly referred to as VPAs) are voluntary agreements entered into by the City of Sydney and a developer to deliver public benefits.Published 30 July 2016Development guidelines & policies
The Central Sydney Archaeological Zoning PlanThis report documents the survey and assessment of the archaeological potential of the City of Sydney.Published 1 November 1997Development guidelines & policies
Travel planning guidelines: Preparing and implementing site-specific development measuresSupporting a sustainable transport network is key to safeguarding the future of our city.Published 12 January 2023
Repealed policies
These policies were repealed by the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012.
For a limited time the repealed policies are available to download below for informational purposes only.
Public domain design codes
Design codes & technical specifications
Sydney Streets Code 2021Guidelines, design coordination and material palettes for work carried out on streets and footpaths.Published 12 May 2021Design codes & technical specifications
Sydney Streets technical specificationsDesign and construction standards for physical assets in our city, including roads, footpaths, kerbs, gutters, street lighting, and survey and stormwater infrastructure.Published 18 August 2023Design codes & technical specifications
Sydney Lights: Public domain design codeDesign principles, palette selection, technical requirements and performance standards.Published 30 March 2015Policies
Inclusive and accessible public domain policyProvides a framework to apply relevant Australian access standards consistently.Published 1 October 2019
Community participation plan
Our community participation plan outlines our requirements under planning legislation. It’s designed to make it clearer and easier for you to understand how to participate in planning decisions.
Strategies & action plans
Community engagement strategy and community participation planPublished 31 July 2024