Extend your business trading hours
We need to assess the impact of a change to operating times.
When you need to do this
The City of Sydney changed its planning controls to:
- allow trading past 10pm in certain parts of the local area
- encourage a diverse range of shops and business to stay open longer
- create incentives for live music and performance spaces.
If you want to trade later than your approved hours, you must apply to modify your development consent.
What you need to do
Check if you’re located in a late-night trading area
If you own an existing business or want to start one and would like to know what opportunities are available, please download the late-night trading DCP summary map.
Review the planning controls
If you’re located within an identified late night trading area, please refer to the general provisions of the Sydney Development Control Plan (see chapter 3.15 Late Night Trading).
Lodge your application
Lodge your application to extend your trading hours through the NSW Planning Portal.
Please note: the NSW Government recently passed the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Planning Portal) Regulation 2020. This amendment introduces requirements for certain planning applications to be made through the NSW Planning Portal and enacts the Premier's mandate of ePlanning Digital Services. Some parts of this guide are no longer current.
Business & economy
Night-time economyWe’re working to promote and develop a vibrant, diverse and inclusive 24-hour economy for our city.Business permits, approvals & tenders
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Get approval for a food businessMake sure you have all the right permissions before you start trading.