Magazine and newspaper collection
You can find over 450 print magazine titles in our library collections - from the newest issues to back copies of your favourites.

Catch up on reading
Your favourite titles available to read in print and online.
Check out the online catalogue for a list of all the magazine titles the library holds.
Library members can also read over 3,000 popular magazines online. Released at the same time as the print editions, they are available to borrow for up to 21 days with no loan limits.
You will also find a great range of emagazines online through Library PressReader.
Over 300 zines are also available for loan from Surry Hills, Kings Cross and Green Square libraries.
Browse the catalogue to see the titles available.
Online Chinese language magazines
Dragonsource, is an online collection 龙源电子期刊 of over 2,000 popular Chinese language magazines.
Many titles are available online through the Library PressReader website, the PressReader app and the Newsbank website.
You can search through other newspaper databases using your library login details.
Members can also read the print replica version of the Sydney Morning Herald online.
Step 1: login to the library catalogue (green box on top menu bar)
Step 2: select SMH 2006+ or SMH Archive on the top menu bar.
A selection of printed newspapers are available at Customs House, Darling Square, Glebe, Green Square, Kings Cross, Newtown and Surry Hills libraries.
Come in, read and relax with us.