People sitting and reading in a large room with a mezzanine level above and big glass windows to the right.
A large room with people sitting on chairs reading, and wooden floors.
Children sitting and reading on very large cushions, brightly coloured rugs are on the floor and the wall behind is also brightly decorated.

Above the Kings Cross customer service centre, this popular library has lounge and study areas, plenty of self-service computers and a dedicated children's area.

Opening hours

Open to visit to browse and borrow, read and use the self-service computers and desks.
  • Monday to Friday

    10am to 6pm

  • Saturday and Sunday

    10am to 4pm

  • Public holidays


Returns chute

Ground floor, left of entrance.
  • Monday to Friday

    10am to 6pm

  • Saturday and Sunday

    10am to 4pm

  • Public holidays



  • Print, copy and scan included

    Use your membership card or purchase a casual use ticket from the self-service kiosk.

  • Self-service computers included

    Desktop computers and laptops, available for use, some with Adobe Creative Cloud.

  • Wifi included

    Free wifi

  • Printed newspapers included


  • Onsite mobility parking not included

  • Mobility parking within 300m not included

  • Level access entrance included

  • Entry door type included

    Automatic: double doors, open sidewards, 2.10 metres wide. 


Explore our collections

There’s more than just books at the library. Explore music, makerspace kits, video games, toys, film and more, all free to borrow. Kings Cross Library also has a LGBTIQ and Zines collection available for loan.