Your say on a local Aboriginal knowledge and culture centre in Redfern
Find out more about the consultation results and read the full report.
What we’re doing
We purchased 119 Redfern Street to establish a local Aboriginal knowledge and culture centre in Redfern.
The building has 2 levels with a range of different spaces. It’s highly visible and in a culturally significant location near community and cultural services in Redfern.
Why we’re doing this
We’re committed to respond to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community’s need for a culturally safe space to practice and share cultures.
Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Panel has regularly highlighted the need for space to gather, share and practice the cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in and connected to Sydney.
This is the final pillar under the 4 interlinked projects of the Eora Journey.
How this space will be used is a question for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
We’d love to hear Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s thoughts on this important community space and encourage you to share your vision for its future by completing a short survey or attending a workshop or drop-in session.

Get to know the building
The building is in the heart of Redfern, an area synonymous with Indigenous activism for civil rights and self-determination.
Tenants vacated the property in 2019 and we are currently working to make the building accessible. The accessibility upgrade includes a new entry and installing a lift. We expect this work will be complete in August 2022.
The building has 2 levels with rooms that can be used for a variety of purposes.

How you can give feedback
We want to hear from local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples about how this place should be used by community. There are a number of ways you can provide your feedback.
Complete our survey
Visit a pop-up stall
Come along to a pop-up stall to find out more about the project and share your ideas.
- Monday 21 March 11am to 1pm outside 119 Redfern Street
- Thursday 24 March 12pm to 4pm outside 119 Redfern Street
- Saturday 2 April 10am to 2pm in Redfern Park (near corner of Redfern and Chalmers street) - CANCELLED due to wet weather.
Comment on or add to a map of the local area
Attend a workshop
We are running workshops for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members. We invite you to share your thoughts and aspirations by registering for one of these workshops.
Email your feedback
Email [email protected]
Talk to us
If you would like to be part of a workshop or speak to us about the project, please get in touch.
Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation's name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your contribution.
Next steps
- Consultation on future use of the building (now)
- Minor works complete by August 2022
- Community use and access to the building will be guided by feedback from the consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We will keep the community informed as we progress.