Sydney Your Say
Have your say on our consultations from parks and playgrounds, to planning the future of our city.

Open for feedback
Public notices
Proposed works licence for Jones Street Pocket Park, PyrmontOpen for feedback · PyrmontPolicy & planning changes
Your say on updates to planning controls related to greening, amenity, parking and design excellenceOpen for feedbackProposed works & maintenance
Your say on upgrading Observatory Park exercise equipmentOpen for feedback · Millers PointPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on our pesticide use notification plan and weed management policyOpen for feedbackPolicy & planning changes
Draft planning agreement: 15-17 William Street, AlexandriaOpen for feedback · Alexandria
Under review
Policy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning control changes for 242-258 Young Street, WaterlooThis proposal will enable a 6-storey building comprising a K–12 independent school and an integrated film school.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on our proposed cultural strategy 2025–2035Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.Under reviewProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on the proposed design for Mountain Street Reserve, UltimoWe plan to add more seating, paths, lighting and plants.Under review · UltimoPolicy & planning changes
Your say on our Stretch reconciliation action plan 2025–2028Our Stretch reconciliation action plan helps us take meaningful steps to strengthen relationships, build respect and create opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Have your say on our car sharing policyWe invite your feedback on our draft policy.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Have your say Central Sydney on-street parking policyWe invite your feedback on our draft policy.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Have your say on our neighbourhood on-street parking policyWe invite your feedback on our draft policy.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed changes to our pool barrier inspection programWe’re proposing to increase our pool barrier inspections across the local area to keep children safe.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on special entertainment precinctsWe invite your feedback on our plans to enhance nightlife and encourage live music and performance.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on a licence for a Green Square marketThe market will offer high-quality seasonal goods direct from growers and food producers.Under review · Green SquarePolicy & planning changes
Have your say on our revised environmental strategyThe plan covers our operations, climate resilient buildings, waterways and land, and strong foundations to drive informed decisions.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Have your say on proposed planning controls in Ultimo and PyrmontWe’re inviting feedback on proposed changes to the planning controls for select sites in Ultimo and Pyrmont.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Have your say on the Haymarket activation grant guidelinesThis new grant program will support a major activation in Haymarket to celebrate Asian cultures and attract people to the area.Under review · HaymarketPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed amendments to managing entertainment sound and trading hours Considering venues and their neighbours while allowing businesses to stay open later.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on proposed changes to reduce the loss of housing across the City of Sydney areaProposed planning changes to reduce the loss of dwellings when existing residential flat buildings are redeveloped.Under reviewProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on upgrading Jubilee Oval public toiletsWe invite your feedback on this proposed upgrade to the park.Under review · GlebeProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on Marriott Street Reserve Playground, RedfernWe’d like to hear any ideas you have for the playground.Under review · RedfernPolicy & planning changes
Your say on flooding in Sydney City, Darling Harbour and neighbouring suburbsShare your experiences and help us plan for its impacts in the future.Under reviewProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on new fencing at The Crescent Synthetic SportsfieldWe invite your feedback on this proposal.Under review · AnnandalePolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning changes for 383-395A Kent Street, SydneyA proposal to change the building height and floor space controls to support a new commercial development.Under review · SydneyVision setting
Your say on shaping your cityWe’re making it easier for you to have your say.Under reviewProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on seating in Hyde ParkWe invite feedback on a review of environmental factors for seating in Hyde Park.Under review · SydneyProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on the proposed design for Robyn Kemmis Reserve, GlebeWe’ve developed a proposed concept plan for Robyn Kemmis Reserve.Under review · GlebeProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on the proposed design for Regent Street Reserve, PaddingtonWe’ve developed a proposed design for Regent Street Reserve.Under review · PaddingtonProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on the proposed design for Cooper Street Reserve and Adelaide Street ReserveWe’ve developed a proposed design for these reserves in Surry Hills.Under review · Surry HillsProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on new exercise equipment at Observatory ParkHelp us design the outdoor gym to be fit for you.Under review · Millers PointPolicy & planning changes
Your say on our draft code of meeting practiceUnder reviewProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on Redfern Park Playground, RedfernWe’d like to hear any ideas you have for the playground.Under review · RedfernVision setting
Your say on developing our new inclusion (disability) action planWe’re developing our new inclusion (disability) action plan and invite your feedback to inform its development.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning changes for 232–240 Elizabeth Street, Surry HillsA proposal to increase the building height and floor space ratio to allow the development of a new commercial building.Under review · Surry HillsPolicy & planning changes
Your say on proposed changes to the Central Sydney development contributions plan 2020This proposal will make the development contributions plan more consistent and better aligned with the proposed contributions plan for Ultimo and Pyrmont.Under reviewVision setting
Your say on the wellbeing of our cityShare your experience of living, working or studying in Sydney by completing this anonymous survey.Under reviewProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on improving Pring Street, WoolloomoolooWe’ve developed a proposed design for Pring Street to improve safety.Under review · WoolloomoolooPolicy & planning changes
Your say on our updated grants and sponsorship guidelinesWe’ve reviewed the guidelines to ensure programs continue to meet best practice in grants management and are aligned with the strategic directions and actions in Sustainable Sydney 2030–2050 Continuing the Vision.Under reviewPolicy & planning changes
Your feedback on Sydney StreetsWe’re seeking your opinion about future events.Under reviewProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on designs for the Surry Hills to Central quietwayWe’ve developed a proposed design for a quietway through Cooper and Arthur streets in Surry Hills.Under review · Surry HillsProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on Green Park, DarlinghurstWe’d like to hear any ideas you have for the park.Under review · DarlinghurstProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on improvements and traffic changes at York, Lang and Jamison streets, SydneyUpgrades to make it safer for people walking at the intersection.Under review · SydneyProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on Ward Park, Surry HillsWe’d like to hear any ideas you have for the park.Under review · Surry HillsProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on the proposed trees in Lodge Street, Forest LodgeHelping to keep our streets cool and improve safety for people walking.Under reviewProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on the proposed Erskineville stormwater reuse schemeWe’re proposing to use recycled water in our parks in Erskineville.Under review · ErskinevilleProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on Little Eveleigh Reserve, RedfernWe’d like to hear any ideas you have for the park.Under review · RedfernProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on installing permanent lighting in Joynton Park, Tote Park and Nuffield ParkProposal to increase lighting in our parks.Under review · ZetlandProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on the proposed design for Minogue Reserve, GlebeWe’ve developed a proposed concept plan for Minogue Reserve.Under review · GlebeVision setting
Your say on developing a community wealth building policyWe’re investigating a policy to apply the principles of community wealth building in Sydney.Under reviewProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on Ada Villa Terrace, ErskinevilleShare your ideas for the space.Under review · ErskinevilleProposed works & maintenance
Your feedback on Mountain Street Reserve, UltimoTell us about any ideas you have for the space.Under review · UltimoPolicy & planning changes
Sydney City Farm business plan reviewWe’re seeking the community’s input and ideas as part of our review of the Sydney City Farm business plan and update for 2021 to 2026.Under review · St Peters
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All consultations & exhibitions
- Policy & planning changesUpdates and changes to our policies, plans and procedures.
- Proposed works & maintenanceHave your say on the design and upgrade of our streets and facilities.
- Vision settingHave your say on the future of our city.
- Public noticesLegislation requires the City of Sydney to publish information on certain proposed changes.
Development applications
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